
LinkedIn Development Add-On

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  • Regular price $100.00
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This package is for Resume Development Clients:
  1. We mirror your experience from your new resume we developed, onto your  LinkedIn profile.
  2. Change your About statement to reflect the top of your resume (overview statement and top 3-5 strengths).
  3. Update your Professional Experience to mirror your resume but take off any $ results in your current job if you are working.
  4. Update your Education/Certifications (take off dates).
  5. Update any other relevant info that was added to your resume that should be on your profile (clubs, volunteer work, etc.)
  6. Update your Skills with your optimized keywords.
  7. Add examples of work if that makes sense.
  8. Set your recruiter settings/sometimes we set alerts if it makes sense.
  9. Change your backdrop image with free stock of your choice.
  10. Change your title (if not working) which should represent the titles you are searching, if you are not currently working.
  11. Take off the number extension at the end of your URL for LinkedIn (if you had not done that already).